Wednesday, May 9, 2012

product sketch try + feedback

After today's lecture I started working on product sketches from the brainstorms.

Ways of displaying data for the health club staff.

When sketching to compare products, shapes, forms etc. it is wise to not give the sketches color, because then the colors will make the decision biased (e.g., when someone's favorite color is used). I do feel that when the color is useful for the sketch or when it explains how something works (like with the color changing shoe in the first photo) it should be used. But for comparison it is better to give the best few sketches an outline and a background.

In the future (in fact, for the next homework assignment) I will use the outline/background method when sketching to find the right form, shape, interaction etc. When it is needed or when the color is specified beforehand (e.g., company colors) I will use the same color for all the sketches.

As mentioned, I didn't use different colors for the next homework assignment, but my C4 Copic marker was empty just before finishing my first sketch, so I had to experiment with the shading a bit. Pictures will be posted after the lecture on May 22th, because I haven't had time to take (good, well-lit) photos.

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